Pokemon Rider

Pokemon Rider is a pokemon based game developed in Java that I made for one of the projects in my ICS 111 class. The game revolves around the player navigating a character through the moving ocean while dodging obstacles. The obstacles are sharks in the ocean, and when hit, the player will lose berry and potion points. Berry and potion points allow the player to stay alive during the game and once they reach 0, the player loses the game. Over time, the berry and potion points will decrease, so to replenish them, the player must collect the floating potion and berry items that are in the ocean. So essentially the objective of the game is to survive swimming through the ocean by collecting berry and potion items while also avoiding any sharks.

This game was designed to help me put my Java skills that I learned in ICS111 to use. During the game development, I learned a lot about how to utilize array lists and keeping track of the different Java classes that I had to make. One challenge I faced with this project was getting the sprite animations to work in my game. I spent a lot of time making sure that each sprite sheet was good to go and that it would loop around to make it look continuous. Overall, this game really made me realize how fun it was to program.

You can see a demo of my game on here.

You can also take a look at my repo on github here.